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May 2023 read: Maame by Jessica George (heartwarming & unforgettable)

Fiction, Book review, Book highlights

“I don't think you turn thirty and become immune to mistake-making or lesson learning. You grow wiser (supposedly) but never omniscient. There's always something you need to be taught, and so you keep learning and you keep growing up- until you're dead.”

Jessica George, Maame

- In this article -

  1. Synopsis

  2. My impressions of the book

  3. About the author

  4. Who the book is for

1. Synopsis

Maame by Jessica George is a thought provoking and deeply insightful novel. The writing is exquisite and the character development is commendable. “Maame” is the protagonist's nickname for Maddie given by her mother which means woman; the responsible one in their native Twi.

Maame is a Ghanian young woman in her mid twenties currently residing in London. She is the primary caretaker of her father, who suffers from an advanced stage Parkinson’s. Her mother spends most of her time in Ghana but is extremely overbearing and somewhat absent in Maddie's life. At work she is tired of always being the only black person. She doesn't have much of a social life although she deeply yearns for one and is constantly questioned by those around her about it.

As her story unfolds we see how Maddie considers her life and expresses her feelings regarding her nickname. We notice how she believes it has defined her, dictated how her family members view her, and affected not only how she interacts with others but also how she views herself. Her difficulties are relatable, and her struggles and pain are evident.

However, we also see how Maddie experiences many firsts and allows herself to give love and friendship a chance. We witness her triumphs and personal growth which is heart warming. A great read, quite unforgettable and deeply moving.

2. My impressions

I give this book a 5 star rating. I thoroughly it!! It literally had me from the first page. This is Jessica George's debut novel and what a hit! The author successfully managed to take us through Maddie's thoughts, insecurities, uncertainties and her tendency to google everything she has no clue about.

I found the emotional aspects of the book quite engaging and depictive of real life situations. The story is well written, it is entertaining, funny, witty and charming.

3. About the author

Jessica George, a London-born and raised person with Ghanaian ancestry. She attended the University of Sheffield to study English literature. Before being employed by Bloomsbury UK to work in the editorial section, she began her career by working at a theater and then a literary agency. Maame, her first novel. I look forward to more of her work.

4. Who is this book for

Read this book if you are interested in topics and such as

(1) family dynamics

(2) diverse culture and belonging

(3) self-discovery and personal growth

(4) complexity of romantic relationships

(5) power and impact of life-saving friendship

(6) mental health and

(7) navigating the workspace.

Number of pages: 320

“Regardless of how you behave, a lot of things are going to be out of your control because this world was made to test you. Protect your peace in whatever and every way that you can.”

Jessica George, Maame

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