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  • Writer's pictureLelo N.

The Power of Habit - great insights on self-mastery and habit formation

This non-fiction book that provides answers to questions such as how can individuals build new habits and change old ones, which keystone habits are necessary to turn a struggling manufacturer into a top performing entity and how did the American multinational Starbucks turn a high school drop out into a top manager?

Book: The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit by award winning business reporter and non-fiction author Charles Duhigg unpacks why some people and organizations struggle to change despite years of trying while others seem to recreate themselves overnight.

Through experiments, case studies and illustrations Duhigg explains how the right habits were crucial to Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and coffee giant Starbucks and many others.

Michael Phelps discovered a fundamental principle that majority of athletes who become legends rely on: on game day, you don't think; you execute. You allow the routine that you have been honing for years to lead you to success.

Multinational coffeehouse Starbucks has an extensive training program that has taught their employees important life skills including, willpower. Various studies explain that willpower is an most important factor in academic performance, and people with willpower learn it as a habit. Starbucks valued this skill because it helps improve the overall customer experience.

"Habits - the choices that all of us make at some point and then stop thinking about but continue doing often, everyday."

-Charles Duhigg

In this post

  1. My impressions

  2. Who this book is for

  3. The structure of the book

  4. Quotes from the book

1. My impressions

The Power of Habit highlights the complexities of habit formation but also provides solutions and strategies to becoming more productive, building exemplary companies and leading positive change in communities.

This book is insightful, each chapter introduces a new phenomenon which is quite enjoyable. It includes scientific research, insights from executives and stories to explain each concept. In order to gain value from the book and make use of the insights, it would be beneficial for you to take your time reading it.

A 3.8 star rating.

2. Who The Power of Habit is for

The Power of Habit is handy for entrepreneurs, leaders or anyone who is looking to understand how habits work & implement them.

3. Structure of the book

The book is divided into three sections, habits for individuals, organizations and communities.

The first section examines the habits of individuals tapping into the neurology of habit formation exploring,

  • How habits work

  • How to create new habits

  • Why transformation occurs

The second section explores the habits of successful organizations focusing on,

  • Which habits are important for turning companies around

  • What happens when willpower becomes automatic

  • The power of crisis

  • How companies predict what you want before you do

The last section examines the habits of societies, looking into

  • How movements happen

  • Whether or not we are responsible for our habits

4. Quotes from the book

"Small wins are a steady application of small advantages."

“Small wins are exactly what they sound like, and are part of how keystone habits create widespread changes. A huge body of research has shown that small wins have enormous power...“Small wins are a steady application of a small advantage,” one Cornell professor wrote in 1984. “Once a small win has been accomplished, forces are set in motion that favor another small win.”Small wins fuel transformative changes by leveraging tiny advantages into patterns that convince people that bigger achievements are within reach.”

“That’s why signing kids up for piano lessons or sports is so important. It has nothing to do with creating a good musician or a five-year-old soccer star...”

“That’s why signing kids up for piano lessons or sports is so important. It has nothing to do with creating a good musician or a five-year-old soccer star,” said Heatherton. “When you learn to force yourself to practice for an hour or run fifteen laps, you start building self-regulatory strength. A five-year-old who can follow the ball for ten minutes becomes a sixth grader who can start his homework on time.”

“Habits are powerful, but delicate."

“Habits are powerful, but delicate. They can emerge outside our consciousness, or can be deliberately designed. They often occur without our permission, but can be reshaped by fiddling with their parts. They shape our lives far more than we realize—they are so strong, in fact, that they cause our brains to cling to them at the exclusion of all else, including common sense.”

In conclusion, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg reveals great insight and provides compelling arguments regarding habit formation. A must read for anyone looking to change how they do things and practice self-mastery. By understanding how habits work, many people can transform their lives, businesses and the community at large.

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